Making the Blockbuster store from my childhood! Pt. 1

Revising the proposal

Continuing with the papercraft project, I have decided to take on my Blockbuster Movie store idea! After discussing my proposals with some of my classmates, I took their feedback and decided to modify the design a little bit.

1. The Design of the Structure

I want to keep the simple architecture of my proposal, I feel like the square and rounded design emphasizes what I want to achieve with this project: not an exact copy, but a fleeting recollection of what the memories try to reconstruct. However, I will add a base both for sturdiness and to give a sense of environment. This store was in a small open-air mall, in fact it was right in front of one of the many parking spaces. I will also add some card-stock  (or cardboard) triangles at the back for good measure.

2. The Inside of the Structure

A whole world of possibilities came into my mind when I expressed my desire to showcase something through the windows and Greg told me "You can cut out the pieces where the windows would be". Even more fueled by my classmate when I suggested her to use fairy-light strings for her project and she replied "You could add them inside of your store too!". But I have to be realistic and practice self-control, so I decided to research more about how this store looked like to see if I could make a simpler version that satisfied my needs. 

For this, I asked my family. I searched for images that mildly resembled what I remembered and asked them if they remembered how the store used to be arranged. Even my aunt ended up in the conversation and we went all thee way from VHS to DVD to the restaurant that took over the place. While we didn't find many photos, these three were enough to give me a clearer picture of what I'm aiming to.

(Photo credits from left to right: El Salvador De Antes at Instagram, Readersis at Flickr, and DinosaurDracula's blog)

Done with the trip down memory lane, this is what I plan to add inside of my store:
three wall shelves and one small slide for kids. Even though we couldn't find photos of it, my family and my sister confirmed to me the store had the classic plastic playground for kids near the entrance, by the shelves that had the children and family movies.

Now, the ceiling. Here's where prototyping will tell us if I'm overdoing this. I'm planning to make it possible to remove the ceiling to take another look inside of the store from above, but also work as the holder of the fairy-lights.

Finally, having visualized the final details that I wanted to include, is time to test my vision. I don't want to make this post any longer, so I'll have a second post all about prototyping. Wish me luck!
