The chosen one!

After showing my little creations to my classmate Christina to get feedback, I decided to 3D print this little intricate vessel that came to life with the combination of a triangle, a star, and a heptagon. 

However, I did realize it had some holes in one side that I had to fix. To do so, I changed the orientation of my shapes to connect similar corners, as well as the size for one of them. I did this to help the program with the process of combining the three shapes.

I was happy that the overall shape did not change much, because I liked the way it looked. When side by side, the slight difference is that it looks more symmetrical. I did face some problems when saving the model as a .stl file to be 3D printed.

For some reason, the program tried to simplify the model into polygons and therefore distort the shape. With the help of one of my classmate's idea, Ahmad, I turned my model into a mesh and then proceeded to save it as a .stl file.

Now that the file is ready to go, next week we can see how it looks 3D printed!

Update 8/12/2022: I got my vessel printed and this is how it looks like! I'm beyond satisfied with it and I can't wait to start using it as a vase to put on my desk!
